They say we are Humane
but do we deserve to be labelled so?
It is the tree
which gives shelter to the very man that cuts it,
which is humane.
We are nothing but parasites leaving the father who supported us, to die in an old age home.
It is the Swan
which stays loyal to its partner for an entire life time,
which is humane.
We are nothing but parasites loyalty for us is just a label.
It is the Flower,
Which leaves fragrance on the very hands that crushes it,
Which is humane,
We are nothing but parasites vengeance is but our birth right.
It is the Dog,
Which remains faithful to the person who loves him,
which is humane.
We are nothing but parasites embarrassed of the old mother, who loves us despite all the pain we give her.
It is the Whale,
which always supports a sick member of their pod,
which is humane.
We are nothing but parasites completely ignorant of the fellow humans who suffer everyday.
It is the Monkey,
which picks through the fur of other monkeys,
which is humane.
We are nothing but parasites we help only if we see a future gain.
They still say that we are humans,
but I refuse to accept it for I now know, we are but Parasites,
feeding on everything around us,
Killing the very thing that supports us.
I like d flow of the poem. Very nice examples.
But hey u seem a bit angry wd d non-humane humans.
Human is the animal, that got a brain too. And with intelligence, the ability to make decisions gets divided between heart and mind. Which indicates what we do is humane or parasitical..
very true...hope we seriosly give it a thought.
keep writing in short :)
@ Kavita
Thanks a lot :)
Well yes I am angry with the non-humane humans, coz we are not humans if we dot have the humane aspect in us ...
True we have a brain and precisely thats why ought to make humane decisions. Other organisms live to survive, we do much more than just survive.... and that makes us greedy , self centered instead of using the power we have to heal the world we destroy anything which is not in sync with our needs...
Thanks for the Visit :)
keep visiting :)
@ Prashanth
Thanks a lot for the visit and most importantly the comment :D
We ought to give it a thought else all of us would kill the humane in us and what would remain in the world is just the ugly selfish man with nothing more to hurt or kill because everything would have perished ...
Sure would try my best to write short :P
Keep Visiting :)
beautifully written...v all know it and still choose to ignore it...v are comfortable being greedy and parasites..that it become a part of our lives...its the way we live
but a subtle reminder time and again from ppl like u helps us get bak on track...compels us to think about ourselves and our actions :)
keep writing n reminding us!
@ Swati ( dizzy)
Thanks for the visit :)
I hope this reminder does work, and we make an attempt to be more humane...
Keep Visiting and Smiling :)
i nice thought to start with!
n i just love this style of poetry....i mean when every [paragraph describes one object in a new dimension! :)
@ Beautifully written.......Who are we but nasty parasites? Everything humane has been wiped off form human race...Thoughtful thought indeed.
Keep blogging, friend.
Thanks a lot :)
Keep Visiting and Smiling :)
@ Netha
Thanks a lot :)
Keep Visiting :)
ahh.. yes so true. Sigh.
@ Raaji
THanks for the visit :)
Keep Visiting and Smiling :)
This write up is full of rebel feelings. Your anger really showed up in each stanza...
If every human can feel how inhuman he has been, then probably something can be done :)
Good one :)
@ Mahesh
Thanks for the visit :)
Yeah If only .....
Keep Visiting :)
tHIS one hits right at the place where it hurts the most and cringe with shame.
Parasites!! Ya, humans are.
Rrrokcing one mate. I wd come again.
@ Indrajit
Thanks :)
keep Visiting :)
A poem to give a thought n some time...nice
Well thought and poured out beautifully from anguished lanes of the heart!!
cant agree with u more.. the way uve shown the selfishness of humans in various aspects is just brilliant..
nice work :)
@ Escapist
Thanks for the visit :)
Keep Visiting :)
@ Jeetu
Thanks dost :) Your words make a lot of difference :)
@ the masked one
Thanks a lot for the Visit :)
Keep Visiting
Lot of anger spilling out there...along with self realisation..if only each one of us feels the way you do, the world wud be a better place to live in!!:)
@ Jaunty anima
Thanks :)
If Only ....
So True...Nice Poem Arnav.
@ Ajay
Thanks for the visit :)
DO visit again :)
And one thing I'm certain - we sure don't deserve to be human, let alone be called humane!
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