Monday, September 21, 2009

The strength of my soul

I look at her with awe,
I look at her with despair ,
I look at her with hope,
I look at her with pain ,
I look at her with anger,
I look at her with divines.

She is the one to hold me tight,
She is the one to pick me when I fall,
She is the one to Pat my back when there is none.

She is the one to give up the world for me,
She is the one to bear it all for me,
She is the one to drop a tear for a glimpse of my smile.

She is there to hug me when I need to believe that I am not alone,
She is the one to leave me alone , when I need to learn living a life,
She is the one to give me the spark, when life seems so meaningless.

She is my "Ma" ...

I would give you hope, when you have none,
I would give you Joy, even If I am in pain,
I would hug you, when you feels lonely.

I would kiss you, to tell that you are the pillar of my life,
I would hold your hand, to tell you are not alone ,
I would gift you the world, to tell that you are, and will always be special.

Ma you are -
the angel of my life,
the strength of my soul,
the joy of my life...

This is dedicated to all the mothers - the greatest gift to mankind.

I would request, that anyone who is reading this, please go and hug you mom, tell her what she means to you, and those like me, who are living in a different city , give her a call and tell her that she means the world to you, it would make the day for her, it really would.


Inner Voice said...
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Inner Voice said...

"Ma"-It's a two letter simple word. It is "Ma" that we first say when we learn to speak,the word which we keep calling throughout our life.We cry we say "Ma", we get hurt we say "Ma", we laugh we say "Ma", even when we sigh we say "Ma".
But the irony is we understand the real meaning of "MA" when we are half way through our life, or have reached our old age. Strange but true.Think about it...

When was the last time that you appreciated her or acknowledged her sacrifices,that she has done for you and the entire family.It was not easy for her, not at all,but she did it, that is why she is MA. Don't hesitate to thank your Ma. Trust me she needs nothing more than that from you :-)

Way to go Arnav, well done, beautifully presented.

Arnav said...

@ Suga
Moms are really the best gift to mankind :)

Welcome to my blog too :)

Keep visiting and Smiling :)

Arnav said...

@Reetika Di,

Very well said , Its so important to acknowledge the sacrifices, and to tell her that we are blesses to have her ..
Seldom we do this, and like you said realize it way beyond the right time..

You know I would really request, that anyone who is reading this , please go and hug you mom, tell her what she means to you, and those like me , who are living in a different city , give her a call and tell her that she means the world to you, it would make her day , it really would.

Thanks akka for this , I think I would incorporate it into the Post..

Keep Visiting and Smiling :)

Inner Voice said...

True Bro.
Also will look forward, to hear all of your experiences when you actually hug and call your Moms.
It would be nice.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Arnav - what a wonderful tribute! I'm reminded of my Mother, who has borne all the trials on life raising me and making me a sturdy man! Without Her, there would have been no good in me, none whatsoever!

Awesome composition!

Arnav said...

@ Rakesh

Thanks :)
Do let you ma know how special she is for you :)

Keep Visiting and Smiling :)

sandip sahal said...

i kiss her every day before i leave home, i kiss her every day when i return...

n she always runs away from me saying my stubble hurts.. :((

Shubhra said...

Yups mother is the gift of god........n bcz god can't be always with us everytime so he created mom :)

Really a great post....:)

Arnav said...


Thats a really nice thing to do

Thanks :)

Keep visiting and Smiling :)

aprajitha said...


Shruti said...

Awesome! Wish i tell my mom how much i love her!! :( :( :(
But am unlucky! I felt tears in my eyes after reading this!

Arnav said...


Thanks for the visit :)


I am so sorry , but you know what , wherever your ma is , she is proud of you, and she knows that she is special for you just like you are for her ....
You are not unlucky ...

Keep Smiling coz you are special :)

Shruti said...

Thanks arnav!
Indeed i feel special! But i couldn't stop missing mom!

Lena said...

That is such a wonderful dedication. Beautiful. Cannot find apt words to describe it. Very touching :)

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

Man....that was one of the best dedications i have seen on anyone's blog.

Truely to the point and very deep in thought...

Kudos buddy...

Mothers are the best gift ever possible :)

I appreciate your gift to the mothers of this world...

Keep penning down such thoughts..

See you around


Arnav said...

@ Lena

Thanks so much :)

@ Mahesh
Thanks :)
Mothers are so heavenly that this is a very small token to all the mothers :)

Keep Visiting and Smiling :)

SatyU said...

Aaah.. truly a very beautiful dedication to all the moms in the world.
With out dem we are nothing.

Each and every word is so true.
Loved it :)

Keep smiling :)

Arnav said...


Thanks for the visit :)

Keep Visiting and Smiling :)


Matangi Mawley said...

very sweet poetry!
good writing!

Arnav said...


Thanks :) , Welcome to my blog :)

Keep Visiting and Smiling :)

Let me not let my name go.. :) said...

I would neither be able to hug her nor I wd be able to tell her everyhting tht I ever want, eevr wanted.... This doesn't mean I don't love her. yes , I do!

Arnav said...

@Let me

Welcome to my blog :)

You are right , it doesn't mean that you don't love her , we all love our moms:)
But by hugging her Or telling her how important she is , we just make her feel special , we just acknowledge her sacrifices nothing more nothing less :)

Anonymous said...

You it is serious?

Arnav said...

@ Anonymous

welcome to my blog ..

I did not get what u mean ?

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Arnav said...

Thanks a lot :)
Keep Smiling :)

Tathagata Ghosh said...

just hugged my mom...she entitled me "pagol".